1911 |
Establishment of the «Οδοντιατρικό Σχολείο»(Dental School) attached to the Faculty of Medicine. |
1912 |
The first Study Regulations are compiled by Professor of Medicine K. Savvas. |
1915 |
Lycurgus Kokkoris is elected temporary professor of Dental Medicine and Stomatology. Within the new «Αστυκλινική» (Citizens Urban Clinic) of the National University, a Department of Stomatology and Dental Medicine is created.This is the first field of theoretical and clinical teaching of Dentistry, with L. Kokkoris as the first Director and Ch. Argyropoulos as his assistant.
In the academic year 1915 - 1916 the Dental School accepts the first students |
1916 |
The Rules of Operation of the Dental School of the National University are instituted (September 20, 1916).
The «Ιατροσυνέδριον»(Chamber of Doctors of Medicine) ceases to accept applications from dentists, practitioners and graduates from foreign institutions to take authorization exams to practice dentistry in the Greek Territory. This responsibility is now passed to the Dental School of the National University. |
1917 |
The type of diploma given by the Dental School is established. |
1918 |
Following student complaints, the subjects taught, as well as the overall curriculum are improved. (Government Gazette 149/05.07.1918) |
1919 |
In the academic year 1918-1919, the first students accepted in 1915-1916 graduate from the Dental School and receive their diploma. Among those first 20 graduates one finds the first female dentists: Art. Karkazis, El. Kalafatis, B. Petousis and Aik. Papadopoulou - Theodorou. |
1920 |
The Dental School is upgraded to a school of university level. The studies period extents to four years and the teaching of theoretical and laboratory dental courses, as well as clinical training, take place in a separate building independent from the ones used by the School of Medicine. The teaching staff form a separate Professors’ Association, gaining even more independence (N.2506 Gazette 221/28.09.1920)
After an open competition, John Kraniotis is chosen as Instructor and E. Papakyriacou , A. Chardavella and E. Daleziou as assistants. |
1921 |
The new organization of the Dental School is instituted (N.2573 Gazette 68/26.04.1921)
N. Papantonopoulos is elected as Special Professor of Operative Dentistry, Pathology and Therapeutics (27-5-1921)
John Kraniotis is elected Special Professor of Dental Prosthodontics (27.05.1921).
A new curriculum is introduced, which determines the subjects taught and the exams to be taken by the students over the duration of their studies, as well as the final ones for their degree (Government Gazette 116/07.05.1921).
Regulations for the Clinic and the laboratories of the Dental school are adopted (Government Gazette 144 / 17.08.1921).
Tuition fees per semester over the duration of the studies, as well as exam fees for all exams, including the final degree-ones, are implemented (Government Gazette 145/18.08.1921).
A Pricelist is determined for the cost of the various treatments and for prosthetic dentistry of artificial teeth (Government Gazette 145/18.08.1921)
From the beginning of the academic year 1921 - 1922 up to the academic year 1927 - 1928 the Dental School is housed in a building on George Street in Kaningos Square. |
1922 |
Decision is taken to create two special chairs: a) Orthodontics and b) Dental Radiography and Extractions (N.2905 Gazette 127/21.07.1922).
The first student club, named "Association of Dental School Students of the National University" is founded, with E. Christofaris, the future editor of Dental Radiography and Extraction (1925-1958), as the first president |
1923 |
Registration of female refugee Asia Minor students, who were graduates of schools for girls, is allowed (Government Gazette 67/14.03.1923).
Following the resignation of John Kraniotis, Special Professor N. Papantonopoulos undertakes the teaching of Dental Prosthodontics. |
1924 |
The Students of Dentistry Association establish and publish the monthly journal "Dental Review." Professor N. Papantonopoulos is the Scientific editor of the journal. |
1926 |
Instructor Th. Theodorou is elected in the position of “Teacher” of Prosthodontics. |
1928 |
The Dental School moves to the building on 3 Sina Str., Athens. |
1929 |
G. Kefalas is elected to the position of Special Professor of Dental Radiography and Extractions. |
| The curriculum is reformed (Gazette 349/13.10.1930).
Assistant E. Papantoniou is elected to the position of “Teacher” of Orthodontics. |
1931 |
The radiology laboratory is founded with the acquisition of the first dental radiography unit. |
1933 |
S. Sperantzas, Doctor of Dentistry and famous for his poetry, is elected to the position of Special Professor of Orthodontics. |
1935 |
During the dictatorship of G. Kondylis, Special Professors N. Papantonopoulos and E. Papantoniou are dismissed. They are reinstated the following year.
ΔK. Aravitinos and D. Polichroneas are appointed by the dictatorial government as Special Professor of Operative Dentistry, Pathology and Therapeutics and as Special Professor of Orthodontics, respectively. Also K. Adam is appointed as Special Professor of Prosthodontics. They are all dismissed the following year. |
1937 |
Professor Lykourgos Kokkoris passes away. |
1938 |
The Dental School is relocated in the building on 15 Chalkokondylis Str., Athens |
1939 |
The 2nd Chair of Operative dentistry is created and given to Special Professor K. Aravantinos. |
1940 |
The curriculum is reorganized and updated with the introduction of courses such as Medical Chemistry and Chemistry of War.
Rushed examinations at the end of September for students called to the army.
With the onset of the Greek-Italian war the dental drills of the students are requisitioned. They are returned to their owners in mid-June of the same year.
Proposal of Special Professors to establish a service to remedy Oro-facial tissue defects from war wounds.
Special Professor K. Aravantinos is designated leader of the Passive Air Defense of the Dental School with G. Kefalas as deputy leader.
Independent secretariat of the Dental School is created with N. Paschalidis as its first secretary. |
1941 |
In January 1941 the building of the Dental School is requisitioned for installing the Regimental Passive Air Defense and its administration company . Lessons are suspended.
Massive and unlimited admission of new students; Instead of the usual number of 30 freshmen /year, the Dental School admits, for the academic year 1941-1942, approximately 200.
Protest of the Hellenic Dental Association for the massive, examination-free and without limitation admissions to the Dental School.
Remonstration of the Hellenic Dental Association to the Ministry of Education asking for an increase in the number the specific dental courses.
On July 14, 1941 the lessons and workshops restart for seniors. |
1942 |
In April the lessons are suspended until end of the academic year 1941-1942.
The German forces of occupation seize all the dental chairs in the School. |
1943 |
Proposal by the Special Professors for the Dental School to evolve towards becoming a Department of Medical School with a six year duration of studies. |
1944 |
The proposal for the evolution of the Dental School towards becoming a Department of Medical School is rejected by the Association of Medical School professors.
A special independent chair of Anatomy is established (Law 1881, Government Gazette 222/27.09.1944). |
1951 |
Canadian donation of material and equipment to the Dental School. |
1952 |
The Dental School is upgraded to an independent university school (School of Dentistry) with Law no. 2109, GG 122/29.04.1952. Due to fierce reaction by the Medical School professors the Council of State decrees that the law is unconstitutional and the School of Dentistry returns to its former status as Dental School. |
1953 |
The Dental School is renamed Dental Department of the Medical School: a) partial self-administration is instituted. However, the chairman of the Department has to be exclusively an elected Professor of Medicine. The post of Director of the Department is instituted which would be filled by the election of a professor of dentistry, b) The number of special Chairs for Dentistry is increased from 4 to 6, c) The duration of studies extents to five years d) the Dental department is now allowed to grant Doctorate degrees and elect lecturers (Law 2464, GG 185/24.07.1953) |
1955 |
The first doctoral thesis is prepared in the Dental Department of the Medical School and Megakles Zisis is proclaimed as first PhD of the Department |
1958 |
Eleftheria Viliotis is proclaimed as first woman PhD of the Dental Department of the Medical School. |
1959 |
Establishment and operation of the Dental Department of the Medical School of Thessaloniki, in accordance with the respective standards of the one in Athens (ND 3974 Government Gazette 188/07.09.1959). |
1966 |
The Dental Department of the Medical School of the National University is given full self-administration with a simultaneous academic upgrading: a) The election of President by the professors of the Department, b) Participation in the Senate with the right to be elected to the Rectory, c) Upgrading the chairs of special courses from exceptional to regular and creation of three new ones, and d) the Medical faculty participating in the Department are limited to three out of the previous twelve. |
1969 |
On August 29 the new building of the Dental Department at Goudi is inaugurated. |
1970 |
The upgrade of the Dental Department, to an independent and equal to any other one of the Athens University Schools, School of Dentistry is legislated. (Legislative Decree 706/1970 Government Gazette A231) |
1971 |
USA, donate to the School of Dentistry a bus modified to a Mobile Dental Unit. The Department of Operative Dentistry undertakes the responsibility, staffing and operation of the unit which included two children's dental units and a full range of tools and devices. n the years to follow, during the summer months, the mobile unit provided dental care to children at the St. Andrew camps. Teachers and students of the School and colleagues from USA participate in the task.
Organization of the first Student Congress and an art exhibition.
Participation in the IADR conference for the first time with five presentations from Faculty members of the Laboratory of Dental Pathology and Therapeutics.
Proposal to rename the school to "Stomatology School." |
1972 |
Publication of the first Scientific Yearbook of the School of Dentistry, University of Athens.
Organization of the 2nd Scientific and Artistic Event of the students.
Organization of the American Hellenic Dental Conference at the School. |
1973 |
Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Committees are created comprised of professors: A. Angelopoulos, D. Adam, Z. Mantzavinos, and F. Mitsis.
Proposal to add a 5th floor to the building of Athens School of Dentistry in order to meet the needs of a Research Laboratory.
The 3rd Scientific and Artistic Event of the students is organized. |
1974 |
Proposal for the organization of Continuing Education seminars.
Proposal to create a Department of Preventive Dentistry, a Diagnostics Clinic and a Library. |
1975 |
The addition of the 5th floor is approved.
Professors F. Mistis and A. Angelopoulos participate in the founding congress of the ADEE in Strasbourg. |
1976 |
Organization of Continuing Education seminars in cooperation with the Hellenic Dental Federation.
Proposal for the creation of Post Graduate Studies.
Proposal of Professor Z. Mantzavinos for the establishment of Pediatric dentistry clinic in the nearby Children's Hospital. |
1977 |
Foundation of a joint Research Laboratory.
Organization of the informal postgraduate program in Oral Pathology.
Wide debate on EU Directives 686 and 687 of 1978 which for the first time determined the conditions of dental education (Guidelines) in the EEC. These Guidelines played a key role in shaping the Undergraduate Curriculum. |
1978 |
Greek Parliament passes Law 815/1978 which turns to be a cause of many tensions in the universities for the next two academic years.
Proposal for the extension of the "Dental Building" towards the side of the auditorium.
In accordance with requirements of Law 815/1978, the School decides unanimously to accept the proposal by Prof. F. Mitsis and create two sections: the 1st Section included Periodontics, Endodontics, Oral Pathology, Extractions and Maxillofacial surgery and the 2nd one included Operative Dentistry, Preventive Dentistry, Orthodontics, and Prosthodontics.
A. Tsitos takes office as Secretary of the School. |
1979 |
For the first time a professor of dentistry, Prof. F. Mitsis, is elected rector of the University of Athens.
Inaugural Speech of Rector Prof. F. Mitsis, on December 5, 1979, entitled "The advances in dentistry and its social mission today." |
1980 |
A Committee of Rectors is formed and given the responsibility of preparing a draft law concerning reforms in universities. The Rector of the University of Athens, Professor of F. Mitsis (Dentistry), is designated Chairman of the Committee.
Decision for a five-day working-week in the School from the academic year 1981-1982.
Submission of a new undergraduate curriculum which is based on EU Directives 686 and 687. Its implementation causes severe reactions.
Presentation and discussion of the new institutional framework for the Universities prepared by the Mitsis' Committee. The respective debate provokes strong reactions, particularly from the side of students.
1981 |
The 1st National Dental Congress of the Hellenic Dental Federation takes place in the dental facilities at Goudi. Prof. A. Angelopoulos is the President of the Organizing Committee.
Rules of Operation of the Diagnostics Clinic are approved.
The Mobile Dental Unit provides dental care to earthquake victims at the town of Plataies (Boeotia; Greece). |
1982 |
Greek Parliament passes a new law (N. 1268/1982) on the structure and function of universities. This Law becomes known as "The Framework Law".
The Dental School, under Law 1268/1982 becomes the Dental Department of the Health Sciences School, which also includes the Medical, Nursing and Pharmaceutical Departments.
Under Law 1268/1982, for the first time teaching responsibilities are allocated to the teaching staff (faculty). With the hitherto legal framework, individual teaching was only performed by the Professors and Appointed Lecturers. |
1983 |
Professor F. Mitsis is elected and takes office as the president of the Dental Department.
The Dental Department is divided into four Sections: 1st Section: Department of Community Dentistry, 2nd Section: Department of Pathology and Therapeutics of Dental and Periodontal Tissues, 3rd Section: Department of Prosthodontics and 4th Section: Department of Pathology and Oral Surgery.
Department of Paediatric Dentistry is created and takes place in the 1st Section.
The Annual Conference of the A.D.E.E. is organized in Delphi with Prof. A. Apostolopoulos as President of the Organizing Committee. |
1984 |
The establishment of the Joint Research Laboratory is proposed and a temporary Steering Committee is designated and chaired by Nikitas Demetriou |
1985 |
Publishing of Ministerial Decision (Government Gazette, Issue 47/85. II) for the installation and operation of the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic at Evangelismos Hospital (20 beds) and the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic at "Aglaia Kyriakou" Children's Hospital (10 beds).
Operating hours of all clinics is set from 8.00 to 17.00.
Temporary housing of the Secretariat and Library in the building on Tetrapoleos str.
Start of the construction of the "New Building" |
1986 |
The establishment of the Laboratory of Dental Research is approved.
Decision is taken to consolidate the Department of Extractions with the Maxillofacial Surgery one (but not the teaching subjects). |
1989 |
Description of the allowed biomedical research process in humans |
1990 |
Broad debate on the organization of Post-graduate studies program in the Dental School of Athens:a) Decision is taken to create a rudimentary Postgraduate Program of 2 full-time semesters, and b) Establishment of a new Post-graduate Program Plan. |
1991 |
Opening of the New Wing of the Dental School of Athens.
Selection of the first candidates for the Post-graduate Specialization Studies Program of 1991-1992.
Organization of Students’ Scientific Congress with Prof. Mer. Spyropoulos as President of the Organizing Committee.
The Assistants and Scientific Collaborators who are not PhD holders are given tenure. |
1995 |
A Special Implant Unit is formed. |
1997 |
The 5th Section of Basic Sciences and Oral Biology at the Dental Dental School of the University of Athens is established (Government Gazette 1138/22.12.1997). The Section consists of the newly established laboratories:
a) Laboratory of Oral Biology (Official Gazette 146/14.07.1999)
b) Laboratory of Biomaterials (Official Gazette 146/14.07.1999)
c) Laboratory of Basic Biomedical Sciences (Official Gazette 146/14.07.1999)
Establishment of the Department of Paediatric Dentistry. (Official Gazette 146 / 07.14.1999) |
1998 |
The clinical training of students is reconfigured with the introduction of "Total Patient Care Clinic”. |
2003 |
Establishment of the Unit for Osseointegrated Implants.
Decision is taken to consolidate the Departments of Removable Prosthodontics and Fixed Prosthodontics into one Department of Prosthodontics. |
2004 |
Participation of the Dental School in the staffing of the dental Polyclinic of the Olympic Village during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. Professor G. Vougiouklakis, then president of the Dental School, is the Director of the Dental Services. The Dental clinic is operated during the whole period of the Olympic and the Special Olympic Games by more than 25 faculty members and co-workers as well as by a similar number of undergraduate and post-graduate students. |
2005 |
The Clinic for Orofacial Pain is created.
The Unit for Oncology Patients is created.
The Oral Forensics Unit is created.
The Unit for Cleft Patients is created.
The Protocols relating to research patients is remodeled by the Research Committee and a new procedure is introduced for their approval.
A broad reform of the Undergraduate Studies Program is carried out, financed by the EPEAEK II program, under the responsibility of Professor G.Vougiouklakis.
A broad reform of the Postgraduate Program is carried out, financed by the EPEAEK II program, under the responsibility of Professor A. Doukoudakis.
For the first time, seminars on modern ways of teaching and student assessment take place in cooperation with a medical education consultant from a US academic institution.
Funding is approved for "Students' Internship program” moderated by Professor K. Tsichlakis.
The Postgraduate Program "Dental Materials Technology" is created in collaboration with the Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Athens.
The Annual Conference of the Association Dental Education in Europe (A.D.E.E.) is organized in Athens from 7-10 September. |
2007 |
Decision to temporarily house the Clinic for Hospital Dentistry in the Building of the Dental School of Athens. |
2008 |
The Annual Conference of A.O.D.E.S. is held in Athens. Prof. G. Vougiouklakis is President of the organizing committee. |
2009 |
An Annual Postgraduate Program in Implants is created with participation of a limited number of dentists. |
2010 |
Professor of Dentistry A. Doukoudakis is elected Vice-rector of the UOA. |
2011 |
Professor Catherine Karagiannis is elected President of the Dental School of Athens. She is the first woman to take this post.
Decision to integrate an implant program in undergraduate education. |
2014 |
In 2014 after a thorough and detailed analysis the Dental School adopts detailed electronic dental records of all patients, thus keeping up with the technological developments. |