Page 5 - Directions for the manipulation of the Gysi adaptable articulator
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Ud 9 6 3 THE GYSI ADAPTABLE ARTICULATOR PRICE, COMPLETE $50.00 The parts are as follows: Nos. 1-2, upper and lower parts of articulator frame which carry the upper and lower model bows. Nos. lA and 2 A, upper and lower model bows. Nos. 3-3 Straight Incisor Guide Pin and CiU'ved Incisor Guide Pin. The curved pin is used only when mounting- models or setting anteriors. No. A Small pin for all set screws. 3 Nos. 4-4 Framework of Condyle Path Register. Nos. 4A-4A Pencil holders and pencils of Condyle Path Register. Nos. 5-5 Lateral Path Register. Nos. 6-6A Stand and gooseneck for holding Condyle Path Register and models. No. 7 Horseshoe plate. No. 8 Degree plate for measuring inclinations of paths. No. 9 Incisor Path Register. The Dentists' Supply Company Sole Agents for Gysi Articulators in America Candler Building, Times Square 220 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK, N. Y
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